Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Russians fashionistas were years ahead

I visited a friend in Russia in 2001. His father had the foresight to start importing luxury produces into the country long before the current consumptive environment became apparent. As a result my friend is rather affluent and showed us the high life of Moscow and St. Petersburg. To this day the restaurants we visited were the most opulent I have experienced and around $50 a head bought you an incredible three course dinner, with wine and vodka. My favorite restaurant featured a giant glass fishbowl with a full working farm, animals, farmers, farmer's wife knitting, and all. Each evening we would be chauffeured in our black benz to a non-descript warehouse surrounded by dozens of matching black benzes and groups of drivers surrounded by clouds of cigarette smoke. After passing through metal detectors and numerous body guards, we were lead into these amazing restaurants and bars filled with beautiful monied people (mainly old men with nearly illegal looking young girls).

These barely-out-of-school girls with their long legs, heavy makeup, sleek finish, and doll like faces were very stylishly dressed. I didn't merit a second glance with my slept in, don't own a brush style and easy-to-travel wardrobe. There was one noticeable trend - all girls were wearing mini skirts with ankle boots, generally topped by a giant fur coat. Back in 2001 the bootie hadn't hit the west yet, it looked really odd to have your ankle enclosed and your leg bare. My man and I kept commenting about how strange it looked. It just didn't quite look right. Fast forward 7 years and it's right on trend hot.

Bionda Castana's Kika and Tillie ankle boots are two of the best interpretations of this trend. Judging by the press they've gathered I'm not the only one who thinks that. A couple pairs left...

1 comment:

  1. I love stories like this one:) How something that is so normal and common place somewhere becomes a total trend somewhere makes me smile.

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