Friday, October 2, 2009

In-flight refueling

Mama, Master R and Master T in-flight refueling.

For weeks before the birth of Master T I had a recurring nightmare. Each time I was in the park trying to breastfeed the new baby while Master R bolted towards the busy road. I just didn't know how I was going to cope with a newborn's frequent feeding demands and the high energy of Master R.

A couple of weeks ago I was running late for an appointment and Master T was screaming for food. So I maneuvered the baby Bjorn, lifted my top, lowered Master T's head and he started sucking. Problem solved! He suckled away and we made it to the appointment on time.

Mr M has called it in-flight refueling. Since then many of Master T's feeds are done this way. I even worked a full day at London Fashion Weekend while feeding my hungry babe. Only one woman asked me if my baby was sleeping or feeding.

I'd read about it on HRPMamas forum and I had seen a mother doing it in Tribeca once but can't believe that I didn't try it with Master R. It saves so much time. No more stopping for feeds, just feed on the go. I highly recommend it if you haven't done it before.


  1. What a great trick, and a cute name for it! I have done this a few times in the Ergo, mostly on flights actually, but I find the clothing issue crops up even more than with regular baby-wearing. When I want to nurse on the go [this is rare now, but still useful on planes], I have to worry about wrinkles and being able to access my boob from the top rather than the bottom. I have taken to wearing tube tops under hoodies on planes, so I can just roll it down during take off and landing, roll it back up for modesty, and cover the whole thing with my sweater unzipped over the Ergo or zipped up when I take the Ergo off. One of my favorite things about nursing is that milk is always handy, even if it does require a little advanced wardrobe planning :)

  2. I've always been curious about how this works, Mama N! I tended to get so flustered when I was trying to nurse Master X when we were out and about and never gave it a try. You've inspired me to try it again! You're such a pro!

  3. I love this idea (and the name too)! If only I could sling two newborns, feed them on the go and watch Miss L at the same time. I don't think I am coordinated enough! However, I am certainly going to try this when I am carrying one.

  4. I love the name. I did this as well while touring our CSA farm. We were out in the fields and far from the farmers house, my car, a I walked ankle deep in the dirt fields and Master G fueled. It is amazing how with #2 you just figure it out. All of those questions and fears of how to handle and juggle 2 sort of work themselves out. Not always gracefully but motherhood is not for the weak, especially the breast feeding!

  5. Mama N- you inspired me- I decided to give this a try but it didn't work out well for me. I have the bruise (or hickey- as Mama V called it) to prove it. I had a few errands to run before playgroup and thought Master L might just sleep and wait to eat till we got to the park. No such luck and he was wailing. I thought of this great trick but learned that the bjorn should be adjusted before leaving home- it was hard to get him on there and it turns out - he wasn't really on there. Then, as I'm trying to push and pull my boob into position- Master A is wailing. I decide to stop by Kaijou and let Master A play on the rocks. Master L is screaming- I trip and fall to the ground - luckily on my bum so Master L wasn't injured. I was so embarassed as a park ranger helped me up and then a few minutes later she chased Master A back after he ran away as I tried to feed Master L. I was one of those completely harried moms. So proceed with in-flight fueling with caution or at least figure out how to do it before leaving home :)

  6. Mama J that is terrible! Maybe you should try it at home first!

    I did some in-car refuelling yesterday. We were stuck in traffic and Master T was wailing. So I jumped over to the back of the car and just put my boob in his mouth. I had to confess that with seatbelts and childseats it didn't work so well. Maybe I need bigger boobs! We did have to pull over when we could to feed him properly but it was a good stopgap.
