Friday, April 9, 2010

My laundry hell

Just a little something to make you smile. This is my laundry pile. You can't see all of it. This is about 5 loads of washing just for the past 4 days. There are 4 more loads of washing lined up to be processed. This pile lives on the dining room table until I have the time/energy to fold and put away. Quite often the clothes get folded but don't find their way to drawers. Luckily the boys' clothes live downstairs in the drawers behind this pile.

I'd love to show you the rest of my house but, as you can imagine, if I did show you I'd be sectioned under the British Mental Health Act.

Have a lovely weekend mamas and I should get to the laundry xx

1 comment:

  1. As I write this I am staring at a big pile of unfolded laundry that has been sitting in my bedroom for the last three days! Eventually I will fold it and then it will sit for a few more days before I actually put it away in its proper place. I also have an aversion to unloading clean dishes from the dishwasher. I will even handwash my dishes for a couple of days to avoid having to put the dishes away.
