Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I succumbed to the crocs

After berating these ugly things for months I have caved and bought a pair for Master R. We went to the shop today and I let him choose the colour. I was worried he'd select pink but luckily it was the yellow. The sales lady actually asked me 3 times if I was sure I wanted the yellow. But Master R wasn't letting go of the yellow ones. Couldn't even scan them!
I have to justify my purchase - with our garden he is running in and out of the house all day and the other velcro shoes are just too difficult to get on or off. They're also getting ruined on the stone steps. So I took the plunge and paid the £20 (!!!!) for a pair. They do actually look cute on kids. I just don't like the look of them on grown adults.
So Mama V when you come visit I'll be adding another pair of crocs to the list of things to bring. I hope you have an empty suitcase for all the things on my list...


  1. I agree that I really can't stand them on adults, but think they are pretty cute on kids. I am most likely going to by Master L a pair for our weekends at Grandma and Grandpas. Between the beach and the yard, they are probably a good call. BTW, Master R looks pretty darn cute in them!

  2. Honestly, I caved and ordered an orange pair for Master X. I too cannot stand them on adults, but I was hard-pressed to find a better option that would work on the hot sand on the beach and in the back yard at the beach house. Master X will not wear sandals, so the Crocs won. Personally I think Master R looks adorable in his yellow ones!

  3. Right, well Master R would be cute wearing a couple of donuts tied onto his feet. Does not make the heinous Croc any less of a scourge on footwear design.
    Mama N, not sure I can carry these in transatlantic baggage for you. When airport security asks if you're carrying anything against your will, what am I to say?

  4. Very funny Mama V.

    Well sadly the crocs are no more... We lost one on the way to nursery this morning. Desipite retracing our steps a few times it was gone. Someone must have liked our yellow croc too. Will need to buy some more next time we're out and about in the area.
