Thursday, July 30, 2009

The fun of meeting other mums

I've told you all offline about my experience with the first mum I met. There's a bitter sweet story there that Mama J can fill you in or at a playgroup as I don't want to put it online. Needless to say that relationship has been nipped in the bud. But it doesn't get any less entertaining!

Met another mum in the playground. She is due with number two around the same time as me. Her little boy is a lively 2.5yr old. She seemed nice enough, different background to me, but hey, it takes all sorts in life. We met on Tuesday afternoon and her little boy was rummaging through her purse when he pulled out a small packet with dried green leaves. She laughed, grabbed it and then said she'd met with the dealer before meeting me to score for her husband. I'm just imagining a heavily pregnant mother with a young son meeting a dealer on the corner. Oh dear. I certainly can pick them. I told Mr M who agreed that while it's probably a little "harmless" stress relief for them, it was a little too dangerous to keep company like that incase we're implicated in anything.

I did meet another nice mother today at a fantastic local indoor softplay group. She has a 22mth old daughter and is expecting number two a month after me. We chatted about babies, of course, and about how it was nice that they charge for the class as it keeps the standard high (Oh dear we do sound elitist. We're not I promise. It's just the area we live in) then said we'd see each other next week. No stalking. Hopefully no drugs. Hopefully a new friend for Master R and me.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say it is going to take a long time for me to make friends here in SF. How I miss our playgroups! I have talked with various moms at the local playgrounds and had some nice conversations but nothing that really clicked. I'll have to be patient,and maybe a little more outgoing. I did exchange information with one mom who recently moved to SF from London, probably because she said the word rubbish and when I heard London I thought of you Mama N!
